


The Most Powerfull Pokémon Of Every Type - Part 1

Pokémon is one of the cult anime with a strong fan base for decades. This huge fan base increases over time and has no age limit. In this article, Japan-Figure will send you the top of the most popular Pokémon ever.


According to the Pokémon anime series, creatures with the name "Pokémon" are mysterious creatures, hiding many secrets. Some Pokémon live alongside humans and some live in the wild in grasslands, caves, or seas, but their ecology is still largely unknown. One of their main characteristics is that they can be captured using a Pokémon Ball (Pokéball), allowing them to be carried.

>> Read more: Top 7 Coolest Pokemon TCG Picked By Japan-figure

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Throughout the Pokémon anime, more than 800 species have appeared or been mentioned with unique characteristics, skills, and appearances. The appearance of the Pokémon is inspired by animals, plants or can be from animals, inanimate objects even myths.

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Pokémon species also can evolve into different forms depending on nurturing conditions, and supplies, ... Trainers can also through Pokémon battles increase experience and easily help Pokémon evolution.


Pokémon are classified into 18 types based on their characteristics. Each types will have its characteristics and skills that Pokémon can learn. In particular, the type have a certain relationship with each other and exert a great influence in the matches. If your opponent's Pokémon has the right type involved, it can be a huge advantage in a match.

1. Normal Pokémon

Characteristics of Normal Pokémon

This type has a total of 115 species of Pokémon, which is the second largest number of species after Water Pokémon. In Generation VI, 12 Normal Pokémon were converted to Fairy-type.

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In terms of defence, Normal Pokémon has only one weakness, taking double damage from Fighting Pokémon. Normal Pokémon are only immune to Ghost-type skills. Ghost-type skills will not deal damage to Normal-type Pokémon. However, because they are only resistant to a single type, Normal-type Pokémon are considered the weakest in terms of defence.

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In terms of attack, Normal-type Pokémon are halved for Rock and Steel-type Pokémon and completely disabled for Ghost-type Pokémon.

Featured Normal Pokémon

The normal type has 3 legendary Pokémon that are: Regiggas, Type: Null and its evolved form Silvally. Besides, there are 2 fanciful Pokémon that are: Arceus, and Meloetta.

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2. Fighting Pokémon

Features of Fight Pokémon

This type has a total of 66 species of Pokémon as of Gen VII, only half that of normal-type Pokémon. True to the name of the type, these Pokémon are simulated as martial artists with martial arts such as boxing, judo, karate,...

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In terms of defence, Fighting Pokémon has difficulty taking double damage against Flying, Psychic, and Fairy types. However, it reduces the power by half for all 3 types: Rock, Bug, and Dark.

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In terms of attack, Fighting-type Pokémon deals twice as much power with types like Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark - 5 times more than Normal Pokémon. This is also one of the two type capable of countering the most Pokémon types. However, the similarity with the Normal type is that the attacks are disabled with the Ghost type.

Featured Fighting Pokémon

Among the 66 species of Fight-type Pokémon, there are 7 Legendary Pokémon Cobalion, Virizion, Terakion, Mega Form Mewtwo X, Zamazenta, Kubfu and its evolved form Urshifu. The Fighting type has 3 fanciful Pokémon: Keldeo, Marshadow, and Meloetta in dance form.

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3. Fairy Pokémon

Features of Fairy Pokémon

This type has a total species of more than 60 Pokémon as of Gen VI. The number is not much, but these Pokémon are very popular. Most of the Fairy Pokémon has a very feminine, cute, and sweet appearance, but their power is huge.

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The Fairy Pokémon were created to balance the strength of the Dragon-type Pokémon while still ensuring not to reduce the power of this type. In addition, the Fairy type also reduces the power of the Bug, Dark and Fighting types by half. The main weakness of Fairy-type Pokémon is that it will take twice as much damage from Poision or Steel-type attacks.

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In terms of attack, Fairy-type Pokémon will deal double damage to Fighting, Dragon, and Dark-type Pokémon and halve their power against Posion, Steel, and Fire Pokémon.

Featured Fairy Pokémon

As of Gen VI, there are 6 Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon that have been released: Xerneas, Zacian, 4 Gods Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini. There are 2 fanciful Pokémon, Diancie and Magearna.

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4. Poision Pokémon

Features of Poision Pokémon

Famous for his villain roles and typically 2 faces appearing with Team Rocket from Gen I. There are 71 Poision-type Pokémon in all. From the name, it is possible to imagine the appearance of these Pokémon. Their appearance is inspired by waste products or dangerous poisonous animals such as snakes, centipedes, spiders, toads, etc.

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Poision-type Pokémon can deal 2x damage with Grass-type and Fairy-type. However, the power of this type is overcome by many other types. Typically the Steel type - is immune to poison damage. And 4 types that only take half damage are Poision, Ground, Rock, Ghost.

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Posion-type Pokémon take double damage with Ground or Psychic attacks. However, damage taken is halved for Fighting, Poision, Bug, Grass, and Fairy types.

Featured Posion Pokémon

The Poision type is the type with the least number of legendary Pokémon: Eternatus (Mugendaina).

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5. Psychic Pokémon

Characteristics of Psychic Pokémon

There are 98 types of Psychic-type Pokémon. However, if you count all the evolutionary forms by region, there are 123 types of Psychic-type Pokémon. This is a type that is combined with all other types. As the name suggests, these Pokémon usually have Psychic (non-psychic) skills. The special feature of these Pokémon is that they are very intelligent, they are introverted. Attacks enemies with thoughts or can communicate with humans telepathically.

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Psychic-type Pokémon deal with double damage to Poision and Fighting-type Pokémon and half damage to Steel and Psychic-type Pokémon. Psychic-type damage does not affect Dark-type damage.

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Psychic Pokémon take double damage for Bug, Ghost, and Dark-type skills and only take halve damage from Fighting, Psychic-type.

Featured Posion Pokémon

The outstanding Pokémon of this type is Mewtwo - a species of Pokémon created from Mew's genes by humans with the ambition to claim the Pokémon world. This type has a lot of legendary Pokémon, but the strongest definitely can't ignore Mewtwo, right.

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6. Ghost Pokémon

Characteristics of Ghost Pokémon

The first time appeared only 3 Ghost-type Pokémon (Gen I) that was the Gengar family. Until Gen VIII there were 57 types/types of Pokémon. The Ghost-type is the second-lowest Pokémon type, just above the Ice-type. Most of these Pokémon are spirit forms. Some details suggest that this type is of human origin after becoming a ghost. Some of them are originally haunted objects. The rest have very subtle and profound origins.

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Ghost-type deals with double damage to Psychic-type Pokémon and other Pokémon of the same type. The power of this type will be halved for Dark-type and harmless against Normal-type Pokémon. 

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As noted above, Ghost-type deals twice as much damage as Pokémon of the same type, which means it also takes twice as much damage as Ghost-type. In addition, the Dark Darktype also deals double damage to the Ghost type. A special feature is that Ghost-type cannot damage Normal-type Pokémon and vice versa. Fighting-type Pokémon are also harmless against Ghost-type Pokémon.

Featured Ghost Pokémon

Although appearing very early in Gen I, it was not until Gen IV of this type that the first legendary Pokémon appeared, Giratina and Giatina origin form. The other Legendary Pokémon is Lunala and its other form is Necrozma Dawnwing when controlled by Necrozma. This type also has a fanciful Pokémon called Hoopa Marshadow.

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7. Dark Pokémon

Characteristics of Dark Pokémon

Many times Pokémon fans wonder why there is a Dark type but no Light type to oppose it. However, in Japanese this type is called "あく" - read as Aku means evil but not all of these Pokémon are bad. There are over 66 Shadow-type Pokémon in total. These Pokémon are often different from other types in terms of behaviour such as evil, shady, mysterious, cunning, ...

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The Dark-type appeared in Gen II as a way to counter Psychic Pokémon in Gen I, so it deals double damage to the Psychic-type. Also, Ghost-type takes double damage from Dark-type skills. Dark Pokémon is halved when faced with Fighting, Dark, and Fairy types.

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Dark-type Pokémon are seen as the embodiment of evil, so it's understandable if embodiments of justice like Fighting or Fairy deal double damage to it. The Bug type also deals double damage to Dark Pokémon. Psychic skills are completely ineffective with this type.

Featured Dark Pokémon

Famous legendary Pokémon of the Dark type include Yveltal (Pokémon representing destruction and death), Galarian Moltres, and Urshifu Single Strike. Magical Pokémon Darkrai - the creator of nightmares, Hoodpa Unbound type and Zarude - Evil monkey Pokémon.

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Above is part 1 of the series "The Most Powerful Pokémon Of Every Type" with the appearance of 7 Pokémon types. Let's count how many Mythical Pokémon and Legendary Pokémon are among them you know. Let's wait for part 2 with Japan-Figure.


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